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Jolie Shapiro

I help brands drive millions in revenue through demand creation, capture, and conversion.

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What I do

In agile environments, I unite strategy and execution, using insights and data to fuel pipeline growth and revenue. I foster collaboration and adaptability by bridging strategic vision with actionable tactics, driving sustainable success through informed decisions and continuous improvement.

How I do it

I champion a content-led demand generation strategy underpinned by a cohesive go-to-market motion. I see ABM as fundamental, not a trend, and prioritize hyper-personalization to align with customer needs and create tailored journeys. I aim to leverage a hybrid attribution model to significantly enhance the value of our top customers.

With a track record of driving over $50 million in pipeline and $20 million in revenue, my data-driven approach, expertise in targeted B2B/B2C marketing, and CRM optimization drive substantial ROI. 

What I'm known for

Past companies

Co-marketing initiatives

I amplify brand presence by orchestrating impactful webinars, securing strategic partnerships, and ensuring audience engagement. These consistently drive 500+ attendees and $1mm in pipeline.


Influencers before it was cool


became a Twitter phenomenon, engaging 20 influencers and reaching 7mm people.

Show, not tell

I unlock customer insights with in-depth interviews with expertly crafted customer pages and LinkedIn retargeting ads with key account lists, driving a 50% conversion rate.

Demand creation at its finest

I brought eBooks that had been in the works for two years to life in three months. I'm also a big fan of demand creation product launches bringing in $2mm in pipeline.

When I think of Jolie, she's an absolutely amazing team player. Willing to get into the trenches drafting copy, or being a strategic player in mapping out campaigns the team will run. Jolie doesn't let ego get in the way of things and has been amazingly receptive to feedback.

As Jolie's previous manager at 6sense, I can confidently say she is an exceptional asset to any team. Her strategic mindset and ability to drive results are unmatched. Jolie's dedication to her work is evident in her consistently high performance and innovative problem-solving skills. Any company would be lucky to have her join their team.

Jolie is one of one. She leads every initiative with both her heart and can-do attitude. No task is too big or small. She is fantastic to work with and a true team player. I highly recommend Jolie to anyone looking for someone to take on any marketing task that needs to be done!

I have so enjoyed getting to know Jolie.  She is patient—especially for someone who could run circles around me on the internet—and she knows exactly what she’s doing and WHY. It’s powerful to work with someone like that. I personally am forever indebted to Jolie for taking a risk on me and Stronger Than Stigma. We’re better for it.

Jolie is an all-star! It was such a pleasure working with Jolie on the revenue team. From day one she asked all the right questions, had an amazing attitude, and made an immediate impact. She's a total pro at all things related to leading a revenue team, demand gen, and ABM...and she even has some impressive design skills in Canva! Any organization is lucky to have Jolie on their team!

Jolie was my first Marketing hire at Ripple Street, responsible for building the company’s first demand generation machine from the ground up—no small feat. I have the deepest respect for her as a person—she is one of the most thoughtful people I’ve worked with, and despite every challenge thrown at her she consistently brought a positive attitude. There is no doubt in my mind it rubbed off on the rest of the team.

What people say

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